Wise words...
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
Abraham Lincoln
1 comment:
Wise words, indeed. I am reminded of these words written in recognition of individual initiative and in defense of the limited role of government laid out in the Constitution.
"There are strong minds in every walk of life that will rise superior to the disadvantages of situation, and will command the tribute due to their merit, not only from the classes to which they particularly belong, but from the society in general. The door ought to be open to all."
Alexander Hamilton The Federalist No. 36 January 8, 1788
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