I was reading a week or so ago about personal tragedy and came across this line that really stuck with me.
"We are not in the land of the living going to the land of the dying, but we are in the land of the dying going to the land of the living."
There was no indication of the author, but I wish I knew so I could thank him/her. This is perhaps the best description of what my life focus should be that I have seen. 1 Peter 3:14-15 reminds us not to be frightened by the threats of this world but instead recognize Christ is the Lord of your life and be ready to explain to others why we have such hope in this dark world. Our relationship with Christ is the basis for the hope that there is more to life than this world. We will spend eternity with Him in heaven.
John Bunyan wrote of the pilgrimage, others have sung that this world is not my home, but the living of the truth is so very difficult. I am right here in the middle of all this "stuff" and it is so "real" and tangible that it easily distracts me from what is really real. I am in the land of the dying. From the moment I was born I began to die and I am another moment closer to that time than just a bit ago. It's like Woody describing Buzz in Toy Story, "that's not flying, its falling - with style." I'm not really living, I'm dying - slowly. Real life awaits me with my God in heaven. These days, months, years are just the journey to get there. That changes how I look at things significantly.
A favorite quote of mine is from C.S. Lewis when he says, "If you think of this world as a place intended simply for our happiness, you find it quite intolerable; think of it as a place of training and correction and its not so bad." My view of this world changes how I engage and interact with the people, places and things along the way.
God gave me this time to enjoy, to cherish and I need to see things clearly here. The only things from this world that will last forever are God's Word and people. I need to be investing my time and efforts on the things that last.
Lord, give me Your view of reality and Your compassion for people and a passion for your Truth.