Monday, April 27, 2009
Peter Peter Won Tree
Plus, it's not like God is holding back. It doesn't say He WILL, it says He HAS given us everything we need. So why don't I see that all the time? Probably the same reason I don't "see" Jesus with me all the time. FOCUS. OK - there is plenty more for me to work on in this godly life I am trying to live. But my work is to focus on Him - He has given me everything I need for a godly life.
Then this week I came back to this verse just because I am a slow processor, much like my computer. I was further reminded of the reason God so graciously gives me “everything I need for a godly life.” I don’t deserve such blessing and I cannot earn it in any way. I have these things for no other reason than that I know him. Remember the T-shirts. “I’m with him -->”? It’s just like that; nothing more.
Now that I am reminded, I am left to ponder the question, what will it look like to live like that is true?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Increasing Sensitivity
The more I read and hear the more sensitive I am becoming to the spiritual climate in our nation and world. This is far more frightening to me than "global warming." There is a moral crisis in our nation and our world. Every believer in God needs to get serious about prayer and more.
Planned Parenthood's annual report for 2007-08 shows it claimed the lives of more than 300,000 pre-born babies — and referred fewer than 5,000 women to adoption agencies. The abortion giant generated more than $1 billion in the most recent fiscal year — including about $350,000 in taxpayer money. We are paying money to kill ourselves.
We need to pray A LOT! This one moral issue (I hope to address more in the future) has been treated as a legislative issue and people who believe in the sanctity of life have been losing on that front.
Look at what our government has done regarding sanctity of life in just the last few months:
- Rescinded the "Mexico City policy" and authorized your tax dollars to fund international groups that are promoting abortion around the world.
- Begun the process of eliminating the "conscience clause" that protects doctors and nurses from being forced to take part in the crime of abortion.
- Expanded human experimentation by increasing federal funding of destructive embryonic stem cell research.
- Renewed funding for UNFPA – the United Nations group that helped China carry out its "one child" policy of forced sterilization and forced abortions.
- Promised to sign the "Freedom of Choice" Act - which, if it ever were to reach his desk, would undo every pro-life law in all fifty states.
Pray with me. It is obvious that killing innocent children will not be illegal in our nation so we need to pray for people to begin to see it as immoral. We need to pray for a change of heart in young mothers and fathers. We need to pray that God will give us opportunity to show HIS compassion in our lives – Lord, send someone across my path that needs to see your love in action and give me the courage to act on your behalf to save a life.
It may mean beginning relationships with neighbors who may be facing the question of abortion and counseling and supporting them (spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically) to choose life. We may not be able to influence high political powers, but we can make a difference one person at a time by being active in personal relationships right where we live.
Pray with me for wisdom, courage and opportunity. The National Day of Prayer is coming up and I don't think we should wait even a couple weeks to get started. As Abraham Lincoln said, "It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness."
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I just read a quote this week by Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." It was from the Truth Project study we are doing and relates to political powers. I am challenged to be more informed and active in the political process so I spent the morning praying for and emailing members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It's a start.
Only a fool for Christ!